The definition of Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different Resultsnothing could better describe the thinking of Corrupt Qubec Politicians in ignoring the WORLD CLASS Natural Gas under there feet while the Qubec Economy is facing Major Economic challenges due to Covid and the Michigan Cancellation OF THE LINE 5  . Self Reliance and protecting the Interests of Qubec Society /Citizens is ignored by Qubec Politicians.

Qubec Politicians are Whistling past the Graveyard and offering no solution, hoping the Problem will go away . The List of Major Economic pressures facing Legault’s Government are Ignored. Please QUESTION the Motivation of anyone who wants you to believe importing Natural Gas into Qubec is Superior to developing local  Qubec Natural Gas under your feet . With Millions of Quebecers ( CERB ) on Income support and a large percentage under pressure with  Mortgage deferrals why are QUEBEC POLITICANS SABOTAGING LOCAL QUEBEC NATURAL GAS ? The Canadian real GDP has dropped a Minimum of 3% ( and higher in Qubec )
The Doomsday Cult of Qubec Politicians shows they would  rather Freeze and be Economically  Destitute than develop  local Qubec World Class Natural Gas  and be Energy Independent. The GREEN Religion Radicals and delusional Qubec Politicians have Brainwashed Qubec Society and push a Doomsday Agenda.
At the very least over 70% of Quebec Society have been impacted by the Virus and the Qubec Economy needs to develop Resources and create Jobs.

 Legault SABOTAGES World Class Qubec Natural Gas putting Qubec citizens /Business at the Mercy of Environmental Activists like the Michigan Governor .Local World Class Natural Gas is SABOTAGED by Qubec Politicians to appease the Green Vote and to keep the Equalization Cycle going—Why work ? Our National Wealth, Standard of living, our Free Health Care systems /Education all depend upon our developing our World Class Natural Resources which gives us the Taxes/Royalties and Jobs to build a Strong Economy.  

Where does Legault think the $13 Billion Dollars of Equalization he receives each year from Alberta comes from ???

              The vocal Green Religion and Qubec Politicians have Brainwashed Qubec Citizens into believing that Qubec Natural Gas is Dangerous and Evil but USA /Western Natural Gas is Virtuous  and Safe—a Fantasy world pushed by Legault --all designed to keep the $13 Billion Dollar Equalization.

The Fake Green Religion tells Qubec Politicians how to think and what to say regardless of the Bad Economic Consequences harming Qubec Citizens—it is a Disgrace. Only Venezuela and Qubec under Legault and  Couillard have SABOTAGED a Fundamental building Block of there own Economy .

Someone is getting Paid off to SABOTAGE Qubec World Class Natural Gas.