Dear Premier Kenney,
         The world needs QUEBEC Natural Gas and Light Oil as Legault SABOTAGES Qubec Natural Gas and Light Oil choosing Equalization rather than develop Qubec World Class Resources.
  National Security for Canada and for Quebec is Synonymous with Energy Independence .The more Canada and Qubec are ENERGY Independent the Stronger Canada and Qubec are on the International Stage.
Qubec imports over $2 Billion Dollars of Natural Gas into Qubec each year while Legault is SABOTAGING Local Natural GAS ---Legault who SABOTAGES  World Class Vast Qubec Natural Gas in the lower St. Lawrence and Gaspe Conventional as this would lower the Equalization formula for Qubec getting less Money each year.
             Trudeau’s Bill C-69 and Bill C-48 and his
Climate Taxes Gut our Canadian Energy sector and
Sabotages Jobs, Taxes, Royalties and the Economic
Survival for Alberta and Saskatchewan.
*****          In the end the Truth will always be Revealed, and the Truth is that Quebec Politicians have SABOTAED Qubec Natural Gas to keep the  over $13 Billion Dollars every year in Equalization flowing and thereby keeping Qubec Society in a Poverty Trap. This is making the Qubec Economy much weaker and more dependent on Foreign Natural Gas .It is a Disgrace !
The WORLD NEEDS Canada’s and Qubec ‘s Oil / Natural Gas yet Legault SABOTAGES CONFEDERATIONS and Qubec Oil and Natural Gas .  IT IS A DISGRACE!
 The result leaves Western Canada’s Economy as an Oil /NaturalGas producing Economy SABOTAGED. Make no
Mistake Trudeau and Legault know exactly what they
are doing in SABOTAGING ALBERTA Energy to
be replaced by a Delusional Green Utopian Religion.
         The Paradox is the World needs Western Canada Oil
and Natural Gas yet we are put in a corner unable to
develop and /or ship product by  Trudeau and
Legault’s delusional Green Fantasy world .
Professor Jack Mintz: Canadians have taken
Alberta for granted. That’s dangerous for us all
Six-hundred and eleven billion dollars and counting.
That is how much Albertans have paid to the rest of
Canada in net federal fiscal transfers from 1961 to
2017 — that is, federal taxes paid by Albertan’s net of
federal spending in Alberta (all numbers in 2017
                      The Hypocrisy of Qubec Politicians is on Full display for all the world to see as they SABOTAGE the Saguenay LNG Natural Gas   and SABOTAGE local Qubec Natural Gas . Why work when Alberta sends us over $13 Billion Dollars Equalization every year.

           We now have independent Confirmation that Russia has been waging a Massive disinformation program for the past 15 years to STOP EU Natural Gas in using FRACKING and in creating lies and disinformation on Fracking thereby forcing the EU to Buy Russian Gas ( and it worked ) most likely the same Disinformation has been used on unsuspecting Govts in North America
           No amount of Science or evidence will change the minds of the Eco Activists Qubec Politicians who   SABOTAGE their own Economy rather than develop World Class Qubec Natural Gas .As the Qubec Minister of the Environment ,Benoit Charette said “The decision was based on the project ( Natural Gas ) had to help with the transition toward  Greener forms of Energy and lower Greenhouse Gases .

                 With this Criteria  by  the QUEBEC  Government No Natural Gas Project will  ever be approved in Qubec . ZERO NATURAL GAS PROJECTS in Quebec have been approved and under these Criteria none will  ever be approved—yet the Qubec Politicians still demand Yearly rents  and Import more than  $2 Billion of outside Natural Gas into Qubec

        The Corrupt Qubec Politicians  –they demand Annual Rents from Qubec Natural Gas companies knowing the Predetermined outcome is Predetermined –The FIX is in  –No approval will be given from the Quebec Govt. for a Production permits .The Qubec Govt demands Exploration and Spending and Annual Rents yet has not issued a  Single Production permits since 1995 –Pure Corruption . Now RETROACTIVE Expropriation with No Compensation .This is what we see in Russia or Venezuela.
Quebec nixes LNG plant that would have carried Western Canadian Natural Gas to markets overseas
Premier Franois Legault had initially supported the project, but it was met with widespread opposition

Jonathan Montpetit · CBC News · Posted: Jul 21, 2021 3:09 PM ET | Last Updated: July 21
The Quebec government's decision not to approve a LNG facility in the Saguenay region effectively kills a $14-billion project that would have carried natural gas from Western Canada across Quebec to the Saguenay port, then shipped it overseas. (Julia Page/CBC)