Lucasfilm has made quite a few major announcements recently, the first being that all Star Wars games now belong under the banner of "Lucasfilm Games." More excitingly, it also announced that Lucasfilm Games would be developing a new Indiana Jones title in collaboration with Bethesda and MachineGames. Not only that, but it's creating an open-world Star Wars game in conjunction with Ubisoft Massive, the developers behind The Division.

Apparently, these announcements are just the beginning, too. Lucasfilm Games revealed today that it has even more projects waiting in the wings, ones it plans to divulge throughout 2021 and beyond. Some of these projects include multiple new Star Wars games made with the help of EA's development teams. Like with the upcoming open-world Star Wars game, Lucasfilm Games Vice President Douglas Reilly claims the developer will reveal more details on everything soon.