Anchors are important.  The 3 cent anchor provided by this key analyst may well play a strategic role is this man-made drama.  I know that an anchor helps stops things from moving, like say a share price.  It's really rather bizarre how Cormark has "handled" their Spectral Journey.  Once they strategically placed their 11M or so shares at 70 cents ( MD&A claimed about 75% USA ), they went "negative" on their commentary.  I remember them using a story about the "toxic" nature of Polymtxin B from a 1979 study.  Our Toraymyxin (PMX) wasn't invented/approved until 1994, and the Polymmyxin B is embedded with the fibres of the PMX column making it completely safe.  I wondered right away what the relevance of the analysts story was??  He also claimed a 3% inside ownership in that first report of the company and failed to properly make readers aware of the near 40% owned by Birch Hill and Toray.

Something doesn't add up here.....has a "Timinico light" feel when it comes to transperancy.  The persistance of a clear "bullboard program" here for over a decade and a half is just added intrigue for me.  I hope I do as well here as I did on Darnley Bay last year....did you know that our CEO used to be involved in Darnley Bay??  I hope he still owned shares in it, as it was the top performer on the Venture last year.  I hope he does even 10% as well here as Darnley Bay did there.  Good luck to all and "Anchors Away" as "they say"

PS - Birch Hill needs to include us as an "investment partner" on their website almost 10 years now to update that little fact - "pittet patter, lets git at 'er