1. That there appears to be sinister forces still at work ( and alive and well on this board) to keep a lid on the share price and to show the company - shall we say, "not in the most favourable" light. It's a "highlight the warts" and "gloss over the good stuff" approach. A FUD factory effort ( create fear, uncertainty, and doubt) is most certainly aimed at the uninformed investor and would be new investors. Motivations? Perhaps Money.  Perhaps cheaper shares for a nefarious subgroup of investors. Perhaps their activity is condoned as it allows for cheaper option grants, less retail shareholders to account to, less taxes to pay as options are exercised.  This squeeze of the uninformed allows for higher and more concentrated  ( and in many cases risk free) ownership percentages over time via financings/option payouts/cheaper public market acquisitions etc. It's the "sinister forces" JOB to make this happen. SH minions and FUD factory workers allow their handlers and bosses  to steal inexpensive shares from the weak kneed ( i. e. to put shares in " friendlier" hands over time ), etc. But doesn't a low share price hurt the sinister forces owners as well? Not if one understands their level of confidence in the endgame. The only problem is that all this bashing effort leaves a trail and aggravates those owners that are not part of the game. But hey, people know the OSC is toothless, overworked and understaffed. And best to stay away from the watchful eye of the SEC by avoiding the US markets altogether. They are not quite as toothless, but are still overworked and understaffed.

on a more positive note...

2. AGM attendees ( a rare bird) learned that the Company's prospects for some sort of approval are alive and well. See Biotech's post as a starting point.  To paraphrase, there is a 5% improvement in the heterogenous population, an 11% improvement in a now well defined range of patients with an EAA reading between .6 and .9, a 21% improvement in patients with high endotoxin levels, but no measurable bacterial infection ( huge! - EVIDENCE of a way to prevent thousands from dying who might otherwise be sent home or left untreated for too long ).  Further, there are numerous secondary clinical benefits unrelated to mortality. Instead these benefits speak to better quality of life for survivors, increased survival time, reduced costs to the system ( short term and long term). The 8 year study is data rich. When the data is more fully analyzed and combined with other similar past and ongoing studies more things are being discovered about the use of PMX, especially when it is used in conjunction with a theranostic approach ( biomarkers or the FDA approved EAA). We know the FDA is compelled to look at ALL THE FACTS not just the primary endpoint stats from the final phase of the study (the per protocol group). They are now mandated to consider the new trend toward biomarkers, meta analyses of all similar related studies, data subsets ( when biomarkers driven and captured), data from the early Trial ( pre mandated protocol change) which BTW seemed to be showing / tracking results in the 11-12% range ( see Cormark), and finally IMO  the true SOC mortality rates as measured in other studies and by this study ( non randomized patients) . In short, we learned that the Company's prospects for approval are very much alive and well.  

Listen attentatively this coming week as more results are presented TO AND BY the worlds leading experts on Sepsis in Italy. This will be accompanied by (followed by?) a Research Paper/ manuscript in a leading medical Journal.  Do you think that either will be negative ?  What about the long awaited pending approval of the new pump that will be very useful in ICUs worldwide, not just for PMX hemoperfusion but in RCCT? How useful will that be- as an alternative to clumsy and overburdened  dialysis equipment?

In summary This week the pathetic ( if not elaborate) schemes of the dark forces have been exposed and discredited.  I expect the web of lies and deceit on SH to continue to expand and become perhaps even more elaborate ( eg the faux lawsuit by a disgruntled newbie turned expert, pumper turned negative champion of the little guy). It was effective at creating a bit of tension for some. They will continue to spin their best and most creative FUD factory work. On the other hand, the latest tranche of options has now been granted, and the medical world will get its first true look at the rich data, and the first real Sepsis treatment (beyond hydration and antibiotics) in decades. (Aside - hundreds of articles now appearing on the increasing problem of antibiotic resistant  bacteria - wonder if the FDA knows this as they consider the benefits of endotoxin removal and its ability to buy time ?).  As the clock ticks down to approval decision time, anything can happen ( ie anything that has been left to chance). It's perhaps comforting to know, that people most in the know, haven't sold a share. Instead they accumulate options and shares as cheaply as possible, right up to the bitterly fought endgame.

All IMHO of course.