* I would also add that since we were seeking patients with "infection" in our trial, by process of elimination, we should also be able to seek patients likely "void of infection".  In Walker's Mass Medical interview he clearly focusses on his clinical experience and notes words to the effect of, "people without infection present in septic shock were very sick and had poor outcomes, while clinicians had few options as anti-biotics were ineffective"

Thanks for making a decent contribution to the bull-bored 675, here is his post with my Hi-lite;

I believe if the trial showed a consistent benefit of 5% across the board with little variation that we would likely find ourselves under your 3rd possible outcome. However, from what we saw in the AGM presentation we have an absolute benefit of 10.7% at 28 days for patients with EAA levels of 0.6-0.9 or with 12-50ug if endotoxin. On top of this we also see consistent results of 11% at 90 days which is huge! 

Where were going to see to see if our product is truly effective and there will be no question if this is the case: If we break down the 0.6-0.9 groups even further and show a further increase in mortality reduction for th group with EAA levels of 0.6-0.69 and maybe even the 0.7-0.79 group. Why??? Because patients with EAA levels of 0.75-0.9 still have between 30 and 50ug of endotoxin while 2 PMX columns have an absorption capacity of 24 ug total. 

This directly shows the need for a personalized approach as some patients with higher levels need more columns to remove enough endotoxin. We will also have data from the Taiwanese study to back up earlier administration as they are starting treatment with EAA levels at 0.5.

im really not sure how this can be ignored, it directly shows our treatment is effective in certain groups and potentially increases our revenue in the groups where EAA is closer to 0.9. I fully agree there is a too far gone group here with EAA pushing 1.0 as we cannot accurately measure the EAA levels nor can we remove enough of the endotoxin. Same goes for other treatments out there such as radiation; there is a time where patients are too sick to receive the treatment and the sudden change being hard in their body ends up killing them anyways. We've potentially established that limit so doctors can have a piece of mind when recommending this treatment as they know the range in which it is effective and safe to use.