The trading on this stock is extremely "telling"

The ownership is tighter than Kermit's derriere

We have 207M shares outstanding and are at the end of a pivotal FDA phase III for a multi-billion market.

The greatest amount of activity appears to be the "contracted Stockhouse drama"

But "WHO"...who would put such a nefarious "Beech Boy Bash" in place??

IMPOSSIBLE to know !!

I understand why we are where we are...the recent 53 CENT management "option bonus" needs to fit into the full puzzle...give it a few more days, so the "object$ are further away than they appear"

Good luck to all and I guess we won't announce the 15 day acceptance pf our 92.5 LB delivery to the FDA, I hope there was enough postage to get to Merry-Land ; - )
