Keep your eye on the ball feller...head still and little lateral motion...most importantly never be afraid to make a bad shot or a bad investment....poke-her players need to watch their opponents...or in some cases their fellow shareholders ; - )

That is funny stuff, allow me to correct your grammar.

You're "on fire" today Zep ; - )  the Gumby reference sent me running for the Twister.  Let's griese that board and spin that wheel!

Strange that after FDA approval and our first invester conference here in the US in like 5 years we have more posts than trades.  This stock is an enigma that NOBODY wants to sell and NOBODY can buy......  Never take from a "bother"  United they stand and united they prosper

Just the right amount of griese on the joystick as someone once said.

The bro's took the most valuable asset with them when they left....950k ish EDT shares... all declared and smart choice imho

Meddwell investors did very, very well.. despite a few hiccups

- the trifecta release(s), we lost 11m, our CFO is leaving and you might get a strange phone call from someone wanting your shares... 3 NRs in 5 days... tough stretch even for Gumby

- the voluntary delist of Sept 7 was the clincher for me, a useless NR with NO detail and NO promised follow up... sound familiar?  Meddwell was a strate up good, clean play... just like a couple quick ounces of Crown

I love modesty, esprcially when extreme and over seasoned... just the right amount of griese on the dont become a lubemaster without a little practice. Imho

The food fight story from the golf coarse is archived too, I laugh at liars and cheaters on public forums lol