Still wondering why the former president of Meddwell Securities ended up on Patient Home BoD?

The Canadien bio market is tight and "nasty"..unless you are part of the "inner circle" ; - )

Anyone notice there has never been any "testimonials" done for EDTXF?  Sure, we've had the former CEO suggest 62% of non-trial participants were dying and of course Mackie and Cormark announced 4 and 5 cents targets on the very day all were invited to see the 1 penny BID/ASK presentation that was nicely summarized by Natalie from Reuters thanks to an interview with our former CEO just minutes after the October 3rd "presentation"

Does make you wonder though, as 194 of the 450 potluck patients that formulated the "BIG Drop" hmmmm??? now make-up the lion's share of the data in our current phase 4 confirmatory US FDA trial.  Bear in mind that in this life and death crirical care trial with the most difficult 28 day mortality as the primary endpoint, the FDA is promoting a 2 to 1 usage of our theranostic medical device over the placebo or "SHAM"....

Something funny is going on and the "TIGRIS Re-Boot" appears to be coinciding with a "EDTXF printing press re-boot" that seems mostly destined for savvy US types....

How many options and friendly financings have been able to proceed based on the initial "FAILURE" of the phase 3 that now formulates about half the data for the phase 4?  Remember too peoples, the PMX device continues to be APPROVED on a compassionate care or exteneded use level, we just decided to park it in the COVID19 garage at three US sites while the nasty business of finding that "re-boot button" was happeniong.

I suspect the "escort" here that sinned up just days ago has more answers than I.  Money, greed and the wonderful $andbox that is the Canadien markets...

More everything! .... like WestJet, we too should have bought "pandemic insurance" ; - )