I wonder why VP Foster was "passed over" on the RSU / option loot-bag program?

A deer friend ( and that is no white tale ) suggested that if ( IF ) Spectral and it's "handful of FDA approvals" were "gulped" ....that potentially her rewards would come as she is sooo very important to Spectral, especially as the PMX / EAA / SAMI theranostic program is concerned.

I had to agree as I can't imagine why "she" would be passed over when she has served since 2001 and essentially been the lead on the clinical program for PMX ( boots on the ground if you will )

Then again, why would someone say from a 1 penny+ CAD, thriving pot play, be in a position to own say 10 times what she has after about 2 or 3 years of "flailing" ..even if directed as per corporate strategy?

The above question from my "deer friend" ...my response...

We can't be giving irrational and deluxe type rewards to a person with a direct conduit to important people without setting a Canadien presidence...FURTHERMORE ...if "at the end of the day" ( I love that dopey expression ) pen gets "put to papier", we can always leverage hard on the concept of doctors being wonderful scientists but poor purveyors of "business acumen"....whilst they can only accumulate large quantities of "worthless rewards" ..albeit "temporary on the "pricing adjective"

Use a $poon there is much to comsume there fellas ; -