Just got off the phone with my cousin up in Canada....here is what he tells me;

* TD Ameritrade still shows NO analyst coverage in Canada

* Spectral STILL showing January invester presentation

* Dr. Kellum has not shown himself as an EDTXF type in a public fashion

* 45 cent CAD warrants expire in 8 days .... tick toc

* EDTXF remains on lowest possible US OTC level, IMPOSSIBLE to promote, have analyst coverage or even trade in an effective manner - "corporate American handcuffs"..hope they have fur on them..I get "chapped wrists"

* Rumor on Bray St is posasible Russien interfereance with corporate GPS system ; - )

Bon chance,
ps - NEVER listen to the intra- het ( het het Soviet ) ...."EDTXF" made a wild stab for it and fell...here is another shot...it comes right in front! ....EDT has scored for Canadiens"! ; - )

Dew your own deww diligence and ALWAYS consult a pro, not an internet plant ; - )