Can anyone tell me how much cash ENDP has on hand?

Anyone familiar with T.TST - Telesta Therapuedics? They have $41 million in Cash, $50+ million in Tax writeoff/benefits, a Vaccine Manufacturing Plant in Belleville Ontario, another plant in Montreal, Quebec, MCNA Bladder Cancer Drug that had fantasic results in Phase I, Phase II. And also in a limited Phase III that  the FDA was not happy with and asked for a new full Phase 3 Trial. This Drug has merit and will be Approved eventually.

ENDP already owns the rights to MCNA in some countries, including Canada and South Africa, and were involved in a P3 trial with them.

With all that on their books, PLI.T just made a Buyout offer of $42 million in Stock, and it has been unbelieveably Approved by Management and the BOD !! They are completely out to lunch and have sold Shareholders down the river, and I hope they don't get away with this fiasco, either operationally or legally - not for me to decide.

I will be surprised if no one makes a competing bid, as that package described above is worth $150+ million, not $42 million. Maybe ENDP could make that competing bid, say for $75 million in Shares and/or Cash. That would be completely paid for by the TST cash on hand, as well as the Tax write-off. They get the 2 Plants and MCNA for free, as well as any other intellectual property they have.

Any comments appreciated.