It filled the opening gap!

Now, when it turns higher, there won't be a gap on the chart to fill.

And when it trades over $2.24, there won't be massive overhead supply.

The short term investors who have told their brokers "sell that pig when I break even" will be gone.

The stock will be blue-skyed "

As it turned out on Monday, the stock never did trade "over $2.24", it traded "at $2.24",
matching the 50-week high it first  reached on November 28th.

Monday was a real "teaser", but the stock still looks "virtually perfect"

Exro's stock has been consolidating its September - December move for 6 weeks now, and rests comfortably at $2.05, having traded as low as $1.65 on the pullback.

When the stock traded at $2.24 in November, a looming financing was still an uncertainty hanging over the market.

That's no longer the case.

It's in the rear-view mirror.

The How What When Why are now known.

Can you see that "year-high" at $2.97 on your quote screen?

That was $3.10 a week ago, and its about to start dropping fast.

Exro will show up on the New High lists soon.

People here who talk about "patience" make me laugh.

"Patience" is buying a stock and holding it through thick and thin for 15 years.

A few months is nothing.

In this case, it's mandatory.