Must have missed something here and did look thru threads ....anyway I own both as well and certainly happy with FCC and the prospects it holds with lots more to come and I don't think there is any denying the potential.

don't be surprised if FT becomes Canadian mined feed stock to FCC. The North American CM list in which Canada is party to, is about securing NA supply there is only one way to do that and FT is a permitted substantial source that is shovel ready. FT does have ( or did have ) a plan to process as well as mine and would make a lot of financial sense for FT to become a part of the FCC supply chain, hence my words did have and help to build a Canadian supply chain with FCC's a helll of a lot closer than the DRC. 

maybe I am too much of a Canadian and patriotic dreamer but if our governments practise what they preach and if they are serious about jumping into the green world and be a leader and flex our Canadian mining muscles we will be working on this together as part of a national strategic positioning. We have it all in this country with just about all of the CMs listed ....which is a statement by Trudeau, so let's do someth8ng about it and get our Jrs to the table and working together build something here vs building up other countries like we have done and do with oil. Globalization is changing and Canada needs to be looking at the big and future picture and put us Canadians first and as the world electrifies it starts here at home with exploiting all Canadian electrification metals and miners.

I watched an interview of the JRV ceo who was a bit arrogant in saying they were the only realistic and possible first place cobalt producer in NA ....I think he underestimated the resolve of Trent and company and it makes me proud to see the progress FCC is making and be damned if FT is not next in line ....there is lots of room in the Canadian cobalt world and we need to jump in with both feet.