How this works in detail.


Are the proponents of this assessment saying:


1) Iorich's friends some unregistered entities or family connections etc are buying and selling shares at given times of the day or days of the week etc and that these people hold the shares on his behalf only to what, resell them again and what, pocket the difference and hand it off to Iorich or,


2) Iorich is instructing banking entities to short shares every time the price starts to move up and then what, hold those shorts without ever covering or what, cover on days were the price drops and doing this based on secret messages to pass on insider information or


3) Purposely influencing the board of directors to make decisions to hire people who will forstall the mine build by not ordering key components, or smashing machines into each other during lunch time demolition derbys or what?


Please lay out a very detailed and plausible methodology that corresponds to the manipulation thesis. Please include how you or they, in this specific case, would work around any regulatory / legal exposure. Please explain in some detail the chain of custody of the funds that are (in the theory you propose) transferred from sub-beneficiary to main master planner / beneficiary. 


I know it is likely you would have no specific evidence, but all I am asking is for the accusers to provide a workable scenario to discuss.