couple of things.

First of all, outdoor growing environment in Canada is just fine for growing MJ.  There are other risks and challenges involved, however, it is very doable.  And if one is looking for a large harvest, similar to OGI's intended planned output, just find a piece of harvestable land large enough to grow a similar amount, but in a 3 month span.  The only variable here is going to be the size of land necessary for the intended output.  

And as far as the 8 cents per gram goes, doesn't OGI have some sort of partnership with a company to enable growing cbd with yeast?  If that materialized then i wouldnt be surprised to see that method of cbd production being able to surpass the traditional grow method.

The question here should  be whether or not outdoor grow will produce high potency, good quality THC.....and in my opinion, it will.