Great post raglo, thanks for this (and completely agree).

Long and Strong in PyroGenesis!

raglo wrote:Thank you Graham, You are doing us long time investors a real service for pointing out to us what can be found on Sedar that we may not have seen for ourselves.
It really gives us opportunities to keep accumulating shares at very attractive prices that may not otherwise have been possible.
 True  future Growth companies all start out very small and  have one thing in common, a CEO that have a vision , skill and hard work and
that surround themself with individuals that can compliment what skills are missing in bringing the vision to reality. 
Think Tesla, Amazon, Microsoft , Apple, it took 6 years before Amazon made a profit, think of all the naysayers in the early years of those companies that missed out of participating in the visions, always worrying that they may fail.
 Peter Pascali have a vision he see the path forward, he has the skill to hire the right people and are able to talk to some of the biggest companies in the world in so many different industries , and they listen and act on his suggestions, yes, it takes time, but building Rome did too!
Again Thank you Graham for contributing to the discussion, those that but stand and wait, also serves!