How convenient Sorrenson...always twisting the full facts to suit your purpose of spreading FUD!!
This is the press release regarding the General counsel or lawyer:

"On a separate and unrelated matter, the Company announces the departure of General Counsel Audrey Haligua. Until further notice, the Company believes it is better served by relying on outside counsel to fulfill the responsibilities of the General Counsel role. We wish Ms. Haligua well in her future endeavors."

The Company believes it is better served by relying on "OUTSIDE" counsel to fulfill the responsibilities of the General Counsel role.

As stated by a poster on Agoracom, whom I totally agree with:

In house counsel is very expensive, unless you are a large firm that has a regular need for them. And even then, they don't carry the breadth of expertise that an outside firm can bring in as required whether it be contract review or otherwise.

I for one appreciate the focus on controlling expenses at this point in the company's journey.