It is unfortunate to see the type and content of posts when Pyro has done so well. 

I’ve been here over three years and put up with this type of posts all the way back to our sweet friend TraderJenny. Seems the new crew is... how should I put it... more persistent and far more offensive. 

Anyone new may may want to consider the following. You can sit on the Edge of your seat waiting for the next non sense post or you can fact check what I write below. You can go with the Breeze and listen ton anonymous posters on a stock board or you can check facts. 

Pyro has been in business for 29 years, first as Pegasus Refractory and then as Pyro.  FACT

They went public in 2011 and survived on the Venture exchange for 9 years before becoming profitable. FACT.

CEO, Peter Pascali, was once an investment banker in NY and knows how this industry works. He completed many non-brokered Private Placements because people that truly know him trust him. FACT. 

Pyro has the only known foreign technology on the worlds most sophisticated ship. It’s installed on two aircraft carriers and ordered for the next two. FACT. 

Pyro has completed projects for NATO which involved small metal spherical powders. You’ll need to watch interviews for this information as it was before they were public. FACT. 

Pyro has completed projects for DARPA (US military advanced research branch). Most recently a project for chemical weapons destruction. FACT. 

Pyro completed a waste destruction system for US airforce that was operational during a research project at a Florida Air Force Base. FACT. 

Pyro invented the gold standard for metal powder used in additive manufacturing known as Plasma Atomization. FACT. 

Pyro is a word leader in Advanced Plasma Processes and has more expertise than any other company out there. I challenge anyone to find another company that can even come close. FACT. 

Pyro holds and has protected 70+ patents. FACT. 

Pyro partnered with Aubert and Duval, who supplies the likes of Airbus with titanium metal and powders. Pyro is listed as one of their production facilities on the website. FACT. 

Pyro was inspected by a OEM metal printer manufacturer. FACT (waiting on more news here) 

Pyro sold one drosrite for 600k, the next one for 900k, the next two for ~1.2k, and in a competitive bid process (the largest known) sold 9 for 25 million. FACT. (These numbers are close google it to get actual numbers) 

Pyro entered into an agreement to explore Aluminum Dross rolling with a Japanese Trading House (Sojitz). FACT. 

Pyro has developed a nano silicon reactor for HPQ silicon, which has attracted interest from a major auto manufacturer. HPQ has partnered with Appollon Solar, who used the nano silicon in a project for the French Military. FACT. 

Pyro provided metal powder for an unnamed branch of the US Government. Unknown who but guaranteed it’s either Space or Defense. FACT. 

Pyro won a competitive bid to supply a plasma torch to RISE, a research institute in Sweden. They beat out local competition and a very large competitor. They now have a patent protecting this business. FACT. 

Pyro is now profitable and financial guidance provided by CEO was spot on. FACT. 

Pyro was selected by an unnamed tunnelling company (Arcbyte) in an exclusive deal to provide them with engineering and torches to develop plasma tunnelling. FACT. 

Pyro developed NexGen powder system which will blow other metal powder producers out of the water economically. FACT. 

Peter has sunk A LOT of money into Pyro and owns ~52% of the company. He has never sold a share. FACT. 

He isssued options to staff over $4. FACT. 

This is only a quick overview. Please fact check each and every point.... or you can believe someone you’ve never met telling stories about going for coffee. If you bought at the highs and judge a company only on SP, and then complain about it on a board they are either naive or playing a game of manipulation. Either way do you want to follow manipulators or the naive. 

Fact check. Ask question and be patient. Buying now and waiting 12 months = smart. Listening to the doubt crew on here= not smart.