I was punched repeatedly and I am blowing the whistle

edrose has multiple user/posting id's.  This is the trick

  1. When you want your post to look as if it has multiple hits just hit the F5 key multiple times.
  2. Create many user id's and then let those ID's give a thumbs up.  It is easy to get a 600 rating
  3. Other members of our group are creating several posting handles 
We are trying to get ZENA.RT at the lowest possible price.

Remember that Exercising Rights through your broker (it is free) must be done on November 25th at 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time but trading is up to November 25th

Govern yourself accordingly.

The bashers want you to sell.  They prefer the stock price to go below 0.15$ and will purchase directly on the markete

Govern Yourselves Accordingly
The Bashers want you to SELL
Do your own DD

For this post give me a few "likes"

I am beaten up and totally fed up with life.  I will be okay