CashFlowAday wrote:
I am a holder but anyone who says 2B or more is delusional.

I don't think anyone is delusional, just "motivated" to get the best value they can. Aren't you as well as a dedicated s/h? Don't understand why you keep shooting yourself in the foot, both feet actually, inflicting pain on yourself for no "apparent" or valid reason.

"While produciton is similar in the Whitecap deal, the acreage is not. Pipestone has 90,000 acres. This means on an acreage basis pipstone is worth $272m.  M&A is a long term game, nothing is longer term than acreage. "

Agreed, but that's only part of the equation and a crude attempt to extract value. And i do believe they have a tad more than 90K, but please someone correct me if i'm mistaken. Don't know what you mean by M&A is a long term game or if i even agree, but i think the P&P "reserves" factor of these ep's would have something to say about your statement here.......don't you think?

"1B to 1.5B (almost no chance it gets 1.5B). Reality is, Pipe is probably worth around 1B.  If Riverstone doesnt like that, they will deal with massive opoortunity costs. 1.2B and I would sell right now.  Collect a win and move on to other MUCH cheaper names at 1.2B. "

Not sure why you keep inflicting self inflicting wounds on yourself. You remind me of a character in a movie i saw not too long ago, where the antagonist keeps whipping himself, to mentally & physically punish his person for some reason. Still can't figure out what yours is here.
"Management has already wasted 1 year of opp cost not selling and porting into any of the mids/majors who are up 50% or more, lets see if they waste another. Everyone lives in la la land and Riverstones greed is going to cost us all.  I am a shareholder, about 110k shares and I am disgusted that no deal has been had already. "

I don't know about "everyone" living in LaLa land, but i'm certain not everyone is completely oblivious to their immediate surroundings of what's at stake or going on. Don't think i get your line of thought here, but if you're really a "long time" s/h who bought at rock bottom prices in the last few years, didn't you have ample time & opportunity to "sellout" & exit at a generous profit? Even now? I really don't get what you're leaning towards....

"If they sold to CNQ, TOU or ARX, for 1B on Jan 1, our shares (now CNQ/TOU/ARX shares would be worth 50% more now)."

So you believe that these are the possible "suitors" for the company? Though i would say they are "possible" suitors for obvious reasons, they are probably not the most motivated ones or ones most likely to be there are more likely candidates with more reason to than those you've indicated above.....