developbc wrote:
Yepnewpapy wrote:

Free float 10,000,000 shares

Since April 9 2020 3,500,000 shares were traded 

Last 12 days  1,200,000 shares traded

Stock moving from weak hands to strong hands without any promo

Stock up from 0.08$ to 0.18$ 

This is very bullish

Exciting time with news to come from the field

Do your DD

 Base on the potential alone this should be min of $50-100M mkt cap I seen other juniors way higher w way less potential.....we are sitting at $4M mkt cap!!!That is like the price of a average 2 bed coal harbour condo in vancuover..nicer ones are $6M+

Thanks developbc.  I took a look at the BGF presentation and I was blown!  I rarely post but thought I would to say thank you as I been following you on PYR for about a year and I learnt my lesson to not be hestitant w good intel.  Really great find!!!!