Red flags all over CCB

Here is a company with 3 recent name changes to coincide with the flavour of the day there purporting to be seeking.

A CEO who's business is in the Capital Markets and Brokerage business. No mining expertise here except to mine yourvinvestment.
The number 2 exec. Is an accountant.

So what do they do they hire a geo and look for a graphite property to try to ride the carbon wave.
The best they can come up is an ancient played out property where they scrape a few grab samples from what was left behind.
a company excited to report grab samples from an old mine site is desperate

They raise insufficient funds to do any real exploration but tout a whole 350 metre drill program, with horridly small intersections . Is that 1 metre from a 29 m section?
Zen hit numerous holes with intersections as high as 400 m. CCB drilled a reported 350 m in total with nothing of interest..

You have to be kidding to compare CCB to Zen