Definitive Agreement with Dajin Resources Corp. is yet another step in the right direction in getting to the final goal, which is going into production.  Cypress can easily do this on their own and that alone will send a message to the other companies that would, or should I say want to have the property for themselves.  Other posters have mentioned both going into production and being bought out.  I personally along with others would like to see this go into production.   I also would keep an open mind and not be opposed to a buyout if offered a reasonable price.  I would have to say at least $6.00 a share would buy my vote.  The company has way too much going for it, to let it go for any cheaper.   With the demand for going greener in the coming years, Cypress Development is right in the mix, in setting them self up, to be one of the major producers of lithium in the world.