Why the hyperbole (5N is a turn of the knob; gold property is worth 100 times more because they discovered a fault)?

Why can't they give a straight answer regarding the spinco they've been talking about since 2015.

Why didn't they inform anyone until months after the fact that they didn't send high purity quartz samples to PYR a year ago?

Why did they file a patent with zero inventive steps and then claim they have a secret?

Why do they sign an agreement with Apollon and then not disclose any details to allow investors to know the terms?

Why do they provide a much awaited GEN2 update and not provide any details regarding the yield or purity?

Why can't the CEO address investors without the use of profanities? 

If they think the market doesn't get it then why don't they provide the market with information to base an investment on?

Why does anyone think that anything is going to change?