@mackvorkian The US has 149.7 million people in the work force and 23.8 million or 17% of them work for the gov't. There are 55 million retirees that need money from pensions and savings. 45 million are food stamp recipients.

40% of Americans couldn't handle an unexpected expense of $400 and that was before the Covid. A significant number of Americans have hit the wall. Expect evictions and mortgage payment defaults.

The US is in huge debt, as in $86 Trillion dollars. And don't forget the $156 Trillion in unfunded liabilities. The Debt includes $1.7 Trillion in student loan debt and $9.55 Trillion in credit card debt. US national debt is $27.4 Trillion and the total debt is $86 Trillion

$7 Trillion of the debt is held by foreign countries. The Debt to GDP ($21.3 Trillion) ratio on the $27.4 Trillion is 128.6 %. Argentina, insolvent Argentina's Debt to GDP is 73% as in much lower. China's is 16.1%. How big is the Elephant in the closet? The US supposedly has $614 Trillion Dollars in currency and credit derivatives. (Who knows. It could be a lot higher).

The US brings in $3.4 Trillion a year via Federal Taxes. And even with artificially super low interest rates, the US pays $343 Billion a year in interest to service the debt. And Biden wants to raise another $4 Trillion in taxes over the next 10 years? The Green New Deal could cost $50 to $100 Trillion over 10 years.

Where's all that money going to come from? Do you think that the rest of the world is going to continue to fund American insanity forever? The US Dollar won't be the world's reserve currency forever.

Aren't you glad you're a Canadian? Think again. Our Debt to GDP ratio is 129.4 %. Trudeau won't even tell his bought and paid for CBC where the money is going. Biden has promised to spend Trillions.

And if you ever wonder why you buy PM stocks, just remember these numbers. The Debt is going to be seriously increased over the next few years and it is unpayable.

Gold will soon be getting off its backside and will be making a run like we just cannot imagine. PM Mining Stocks, which are leveraged to the price so Gold and Silver will be returning 10 and 20 and 50 and 100 baggers.

The entire world with few exceptions is behind the 8 ball. PM's are the only place to hide