Aren't you tired of eating the Sh*t Sandwich they have been cramming down your throat.

What do I mean ???  I mean the steady line of BS the Main Stream Media (Fake News)

They would have you believe there is very low inflation, a robust strong dollar(The Worlds Currency) What a joke !!! Close to $30 Trillion in the hole

The narrative all is bright and rosey in Joes World but to me smells of feces

News Flash .. reality tells a different story. Inflation is rampant. Food & Gas, (which oh by the way aren't 'part of the inflation figures). Well what the hell matters beside Food & Gas Prices ???

Also Housing prices are on a sky rocket trajectory. Folks lining up to overbid prices while on Main Street businesses are closing down left and right.I have seen this before... the housing crash is a certainty... although realtors paint a different narrative.

Another certainty is the FACT Gold & Silver PAPER prices are trapped in a manipulated ,rigged market. As sure as the Sun rises... I guarantee you it is about to change. How do I know ???
Common Sense & using the Brain the Good Lord gave me.

When you can't buy something at the advertised price and there is none available ... the price has to go up ... period. !!!

I have been on a month long trek to gobble up as much Physical Silver as possible. There simply is none available unless you want to pay $10 over spot which is a 40% premium. That Silver & Golds are available in very limited quantities. Wholesalers can't get any Silver !!! The only Silver available is from Mom & Pops that turn around and sell it the day it comes in at 40% mark up.

If you can't get physical Silver the only other choice is investing in companies that are drilling for Gold & Silver. Thankfully every day that you can accumulate shares on the cheap is a great day. Someday soon the window will close. Time to scout out legit miners who are drilling.

Don't know about you but I am going to enjoy my Filet Mignon Sandwich when the worm turns, sooner than later. Hopefully the pending drill results are the ignition that starts the rocket ride !!!   KD