Well if they're reading our posts then the only reason that you'd skid a rig, as reported by Dfly from marine traffic info is either because of some emergency - ice berg, hurricane, blowbout - where they've pulled riser but not BOP on which they've closed the blind rams or they've P&Ad the well and are pulling riser and BOPs.

Sent a message to my company man friend in Edmonton, Alberta to find out in what circumstances they install a well head. He's not up yet. Petroleum Engineer from the University of Alberta, got his degree after working rigs in the winter making it to driller. Farm kid from near Peace River. Work farm in spring and summer. Harvest then wait for muskeg and clay to freeze up then work rigs in winter. He's worked offshore all over the planet.

On re-entries offshore Arctic Davis Strait and offshore Labrador there was no well head. Just a P&A with a cap on top of conductor from what I've experienced. So, in answer to a question, they maybe installed a cap and will jerk it off on a re-entry. Lmao! Anyway will advise when my buddy responds. He has already responded to one of Dfly's questions. Smart guy, he is. Now retired. Was a big shot with Schlumberger in their turn-key operations.