One thing nobody has  mentioned.... There is no wt extension for  in the  money wts.... You  use them  or  loose them. The  exchange  rules do  not  allow  wts to be  extended  when  they  have   had the  oportunity  to be  exercised in the  money. These wts   were allready extended last  year on 8/14/2020 for 1 year  and  expire  on 8/15/2021

 ES  knows this   and  had  SIC  in a  tight  spot.... Take the  money  now in this  new  placement or  wait till closer to   expiry date to get  cash to drill..... Thus  the  price of placement at .26    the  13,350,000 wts  are  at .25 = $3,337,500 Plus  625,000 Wts at .35 = $218,750 which expire on 6/30/2021

Drill now while the  iron  is  hot....  Or  wait till september to drill  when the  cash  comes  in from ES wts.

This  is  what  is  holding  us  back.... Plain  and  simple....Will be Resolved  May 18th

Chess  more  on ES part.... JMHO