Finally some great news coming from the  Nelligan corridor. Sup is the only other company drilling in this corridor and they found very encouraging results on the FIRST hole - eleven more to come - some of which look alot better. Clearly for vsr ,this extends the renard trend another 1.5 km to the west. I do not think this is the exact renard zone as the true Renard zone appears to be somewhat deeper - down to 350m Does not matter -the gold trend continues. I noticed they only drilled to approx. 250m. Hopefully sup drills deeper .On this trend as at Nelligan the mineralization gets thicker and richer with depth. As I said earlier you need thickness - they are getting very close now and probably have it in the other holes ( as they are closer to the faults /conduits) Remember, the holes are 250m apart .That gives you lots of room to expand the resource. Now this news better wake up IMG!!!!! We have 1.5 km of hugely potential land with an outstanding mag low. Once again everywhere you drill the mag low we find gold in sediments. With 2-3 additional holes to be reported at Renard West ,we will quickly learn how much this resource will expand!! Interesting to note the minor credits for silver. This has never even been considered at IMG!!! I wonder what Nugold is thinking right now? Lots to look forward to now - I wonder if Vsr can play somekind of role with Sup? They are going to need lots of cash to move this forward - (we have that ). Stay tuned -  waiting on imminent additional results! stay thirsty