Oh, and the meeting will take place sooner rather than later, cuz there is no telling when Cohen will turn on rumpie and when that happens, the entire house of cards collapses. 
Rumpie will be given the following deal. Resign immediately, no charges to you and family members, and minimum sentences to all others, or,  you all go to jail for years.  What do you think rumpie the dealmaker, will take? Lol, soon, the traitor will be revealed!

macman1519 wrote: How can u ignore two of putin's biatches meeting and having a love in!!!! Great theatre, great bs, great manipulation by putin!!!! The world is breathless waiting on this meeting.
Will rumpie solve the nuclear armaggedon, but of course, lol hes putins biatch and so is un!!!! 

Bunge wrote:
macman1519 wrote: Funny how when rumpie wants a diversion due to all the shiiittt he gets himself in, putin provides a meaningless chemical attack so rumpie can look presidential,  though the russians and syrians on both occasions were notified ahead of time about the attacks location and time! Yes, really harsh punishments rumpie gave putin. 
Well, the game continues with the rumpie / un summit! Rumpie is going to wing it, sources say and tension is mounting, a walkout is threatened!!!! Lol , putin and Un have already agreed to make rumpie look like the dealmaker, he pretends to be!!! He'll come home waving a piece of paper sayin" the greatest piece of negotiating like the wofld has never seen before!!"   All  bs,  all orchestrated by putin, all worthless! Heard it first here boys!!!! The con game continues!!