Thermal Energy Projects Receive Highly Commended Designation at Building Better Healthcare Awards


The combination of our FLU-ACE® heat recovery system and GEM™ steam traps installed at one of the Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust’s hospitals received the Highly Commended designation for improving sustainability and reducing energy at the 2016 Building Better Healthcare Awards.

The FLU-ACE heat recovery system (ordered in January of 2015) works by drawing off the waste gasses from the hospital’s boilers instead of letting it escape up the chimney. These gasses are then put through a unique heat recovery technology that condenses the gasses, releasing all the available energy within them. This means that instead of exhausting to atmosphere at 200°C, which creates a visible “plume” of wasted energy at the boiler house, the hospital can use all the energy and exhaust at 31°C instead, making  it 99% efficient.
This energy is used on site to heat 20m3 of water for heating, and 6m3 of water for domestic hot water, every hour of the year. This in turn means that the boilers have to do less to keep the same amount of hot water flowing around the hospital, so the amount of natural gas used drops.
We had previously installed our GEM steam traps on site.

The show was well attended by HVACR professionals serving commercial, industrial, residential and institutional markets.  

The event provided us with an excellent opportunity to showcase our best-in-class energy efficiency solutions, providing us with good exposure to contractors, engineers, OEMs, distributors and other industry professionals attending the Expo searching for new products and services.