the first tonnage through the KSM mill will be the 145 million tonnes of near surface and what was it 1.45 grams of gold from the snowfield deposit.

that was the original plan way back when. A joint venture where the snowfield deposits near surface higher grade ore would be run through the mill first. The idea was to gain a rapid paydown on the capex by mining the higher grades first

So in as little as 6 years pretium may be in line for a torrent of NSR money..... Just think as much as 160,000 per day running high grade snowfield material through the mill ... 65 million tonnes per annum at 1.45 grams a per tonne... would mean something like over 2.8 million oz of gold on which pretium would recieve a 1.5% royalty...1.5% on just under $6 billion at todays prices equals an explosive whack of cash.... a money bomb
what a front end load... 

you get the idea of the potential... the initial plan to mine snowfield is in the literature ..maybe the analysts can ask the pretium pr department to provide the official documentation of the original plan to mine snowfield's 145 million tonnes of higher grade gold first.