You are talking directly to ole Sleeper Agent Sami himself.  Sleeper can be taken a few different ways.  Wonder how Alpha Capital feels about all your dishonest ways?  You gotta believe they are pretty tired of you losing all their money too.  Is that why you have NO FINANCING deal in place?  Its not going very well is it?  Zero people at the plant tour either.  JOKE. 

Sammmi you are like that little thing on Lord of the Rings always chasing that ring, except he is better looking than you!  Khalid you are always chasing a FAST BUCK.

Now we are all past lovers of Sami Smeagol?  I just vomited in my mouth a little.  Hairy Ape.

Or maybe, just maybe we all care about ethics and doing whats right and cant stand the fact this money chaser is a awful human.  Maybe thats the reason????

Your employees all think so.  100% fact.   You are not very well versed or business savvy either (anyone can tell from your Youtube garage gigs that are watched by 27 people) WMC employees say.  You would not even be in charge of the mail room at WMC.  Omar is smarter than you they say to.  WOW. 

It has affected the stock price, no ifs ands or buts.  When you run a lie in your life, you run lies in business and you have done that for 30 years (that we know of) and your entire life.

Sami Smeagol