Hello All,

Welcome to the 3-4 new posters who came right in and started defending Sami Ataya on their first posts?  It appears you are in on the scam as well.  The problem with all of you is where is your defense of Sami's Wife and daughter who have to witness this man's continued affairs right in front of their eyes!  All of you keep saying its old news and we know he is sleeping with this Woman Hallie and its accepted?  Its accepted by who?  Lets ask his wife and daughter how THEY feel about this mans secret actions?  The Stirling Group, I opened that.  Is that fake as well?  I think not.  The more and more posters who come out and defend Sami Ataya, just means all of this is TRUE.  Clearly this was a 100% coordinated effort last night and today.  He is a destroyer of all he touches and Ed Lee knows exactly what is going on.  He signs off on all the trips that Sammi takes Hallie on, and guess what?  Its on the shareholders dime.  AWFUL!  The employees all see this and hope you will be fired!  No metal, no tour, no nadsaq, nothing to be proud of.  You will face your maker soon on these things you have done to destroy all you have touched.