making hit with sweet music of misdirection

No Ohio, not going to happen EVER
No Payment to employees
No Metal Verification
No Nasdaq
No demand for magnesium
No contracts
No Companies signed up to buy
No Resumes for any of the WMC Leaders (wiped clean)
Yes to Alpha Capital
Yes to Embezzlement
Yes to Improper Relationships
Yes to putting brother and sons of mistress of a married man on payroll
Yes to millions in payments to Striling group
YES to HUGE salaries and stock options
Yes to Accounting firm quitting
Yes to the President of North America Quitting. Peter ORourke
Shall I go on?  Got answers to any of those?  Yup, the answer is still NO.  People and Shareholders reading this, Take note and ask yourself WHY to any one of these.  And that will lead you to the same conclusion, this is a FAKE COMPANY!  Ask them for Proof, Ask them for Information.  You get told to "call" the company