Hi All,

The problem is this, you have a team who hired Sami Ataya and his lackluster record of non-performance along with his brother, mistress and sons.  You cannot find or locate 1 of his business endeavors that has not been dissolved, permanently revoked, or banned from any future business in that line of work.  He has a 100% failure rate!  The facts and companies are all right there.  Therefore, why would you think that somehow Sami Ataya will just now after almost 30 years of failure, poof now be a savvy businessman?  Hes a cheat, liar, terrible communicator, takes money, inflated salary, stock options he doesn’t deserve, hugely enormous ego for a tiny person (Napoleon Complex?), not humble, etc etc etc.  Step down and release the choke hold you have on the good people trying to make metal.  No company is going to invest in WMC (V.WMG) with this crime SIN-dicate in charge.  This is why you have NO financing now and the stock and volume are lower daily.  That is NOT by accident.  People will not invest a dime with this shady rough around the edges character lurking around all the women who wear skirts to work.  Period.  How about you submit names to us for review vs the other way around?  Lets see what choices you come up with?