They're laughing at you over on TCC, so I had to come and take a look. And what I discovered is precisely why I do not discuss anything with you. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem, as you almost always distort what you read.

Aubrey's NR used the phrase caustic roast. And what is roasting if it is not the application of heat?

There is only one 5 tonne bulk sample, currently being collected, and obviously we do not yet have the results of that process optimization from SGS yet. The first process metallurgy was reported April 25, based on composite core. Learn to read for comprehension.

More sophistry: It is irrelevant whether you like Chris Berry or not. That has no bearing on his ignorance of the Bayer process for extracting alumina from bauxite, as just one example.

I'm a chemist. Are you going to argue chemistry with me now?
