Grizzly44"I noticed that one of the rigs was on track-crawler so it can probably go where it wants." Are you one of those spies that sits at the top of a knoll not too far from the Shore camp with a spotting scope, smoking a few cigs to pass the time, chatting with the ravens as they fly over? be a raven in central Saskatechewan, or, better yet, a fly who hangs out on the walls of board rooms, or buzzing around drill shacks, or venturing where few flys have gone before: to underground tunnels 215 m below surface.
If I had a cool $250,000 hanging around, I'd be shovelling every penny of it into Shore Gold stock as it 'falters' around $6.50. That's what I call the Sale of the Century (at least the Sale of the Decade). No worries here, mate.