118,000,000ish oz'sEquivalent(*)
Resource Ag
category Ag (oz) Pb (t) Zn (t) (oz)
Measured 15,755,537 85,381 34,001 32,524,723
Indicated 24,288,513 129,557 35,894 47,338,594
Measured +
Indicated 40,044,051 214,938 69,896 79,863,316
========== ======= ======= ===========
Inferred 57,143,860 317,362 116,914 118,030,208
Ok 118,030,208 Equivalent oz's. That has to be at least 1.2 billion of value with another doubling of resources in a year more or less. I think this should be a lot higher soon!! Comments?
Cheers, Martini