Well maybe I missed the point that I was trying to get across. For a junior mining company with investors who venture to support them in their high risk exploration it seems funny to me that they only drilled a few holes before making a deal with a major. I would expect a little bit more exploration before making any deals. On the other hand if they are already cash strapped then this deal makes sense to me. If they are not cash strapped then it would appear that management doesn't want to take a risk like most juniors do. They drill till they run out of money then they refinance and then they drill again.
If they plan to do the same thing with Bermuda/Bamoo. I sure hope that they do a bit more exploration on the property before they go into another deal with whoever. Take some risks which could pay off in big rewards. This is why I invest in juniors to take all the risks and to do it all by themselves and use up the investors money. This is the junior mining game which I have no problem with. I play this game since I know there is major risks but the rewards could be major also.
I own Inco shares for low risk investments. I purchased Benton to let it ride baby and drill till the cows come home. So this is why I was a bit disappointed on the safe low risk move they did with Sagana.