What harm cleaning chemicals can cause Shoe, leave poor Whiteguy alone. If you didn't know already, he is an owner of a cleaning maintenance company in the state of PA. What I was told by a former, now deceased, shareholder of Stream that WG had a habit of speaking on a cell phone while he was cleaning. This shareholder told me he could hear the flushing going on while speaking to Whiteguy (does Warren Buffet call his contacts from the bathroom...maybe this is the way busy and important people conduct business?).
It's obvious when you mix the combination of radio waves and cleaning chemicals, it can cause significant brain damage. It's very apparent when reading the White Ones posts, this lethal combo has caused him not only to be paranoid, but quite delusional.
Shoe, the White One's ego is very fragile and I think you need to lay off. I'm sure were both wrong and will be reading about his newest and greatest business venture in the Wall Street Journal...right Bobby? WG, I'm sure your on the "radar" of being a competitor with the folks at IBR...maybe on the radar of being the butt of many a jokes in their conference room.