RE: MAR MAPHere's how I came up with 1 mile north or 1700 Meters north. This could be incorrect but here how I came up with it. I used this map
I'm assuming that the property line is BTC then the grid north of the line is approximatlely 5405500mN or 5405500 Meters North then I used the other map I sent you last time and came up with 5403750mN or 5403750 Meters North for drill hole 237,238,239. 239 had the best results. So you take 5405500mN minus 5403750mN = 1750M or approx. 1 mile north of the property line. Once again I'm using MAR maps and taking for granted that the property line is BTC. Now to figure out the east co-ordinates I used 550000mE and subtracted 549600mE so that means it 400M west of BTC south east property line. If you take a look at BTC map
the property line running east west is about 500M. So the hole is basically 1 mile south and 100M east from the southwest corner of BTC property line.
Clear as mud?