RE: "telling it like it is"Something is wrong, isn't it? The report either is incorrect or revenue is being incorrectly recorded. You are right and this is cause for concern. What are the real numbers? Why doesn't this company post it's recent finacials as a news release? I am on your side on this one. It's time to make a phone call!
$25 per Tonne TIMES 30 Tonnes per day is $15,000 per month assuming a 5 day work week. That's $45,000 in THREE months. They've recorded $12,659.00 in the most recent statement.
And where do fertizer sales get listed? Revenue shows tipping fees and licences. If this plant has been expanded then numbers should be up. Was there a shut down?
It's time IBR issue a news release updating investors on the current financial status of this company as well as the international progress of it's supposed licencees. Why is it that I've got to dig around to get the facts?! Time for this company to speak UP!