Tonnes mined to make SP of $15As an extension of my last post here are some more quick and dirty numbers.
If TGX were to mine 1000 tonnes of the reserves at Appallutoc per year and were able to generate revenues of $300,000 per tonne, we would generate $300 million in annual revenue. Assuming the cost to produce the jewellry and stones were 50% (probably high) of the revenue to account for mining, processing transportation, security overhead and marketing the company would produce $150 million in profits. At a 10% return on your investment the market value of TGX would be about $1.5 billion or $15 a share assuming share issue becomes diluted to the 100 million level.
This doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilites given the large potential for marketing not only high end jewellry but also potentially a lot of medium and lower end jem stones and or jewelry.