RE: OT- Ron PaulVwig,
Thanks for your comments about Dr. Paul.
I worked on Dr. Paul's campaign back in 1984 when he ran for the US Senate, but was unsuccessful.
I have watched his current campaign with interest, but sadly I am not surprised with how things are turning out.
He has not received more than 10% in any of the primaries to date. Iowa was his best at 10%, New Hampshire at 8%, and Michigan at 6%. Tomorrow, he should get about 6% in South Carolina and about 10% in Nevada.
He has now been effectively blacked out by the mainstream media, who don't even bother to report on him anymore. The other candidates have mocked and even laughed at him on stage during debates while he was still speaking. It is very sad that we have such low class scum running for president of the US.
When he is not being ignored, he is being ruthlessly smeared. It is clear that the Establishment hates him and wants him to go away ASAP. The state of politics in the US truly is very, very sad. Frankly, I do not believe there is any hope for this country. I have no doubt that the days of the US republic are numbered. I shudder to think what the alternative is, and I try not to think about it much.