RE: I do not understand whyI hate replying to really stupid comments but yours Ssorcerer has to be the all time dumbest. The top guns are very experience and have found the goods when theyworked for other companies. They were smart enough to get together andstart up a company. They are well respected in the mining field. Thereis a shortage of people in the mining field and these guys wouldn'thave a problem finding work. Your really dumb statement indicates tome that you would have serious problem getting a job flipping burgers.
I also hate repeating myself but some people here have no clue regarding this company and the shortage of experienced people and equipment in the mining field. Mining is booming in NWO. Check out the local news papers and almost every day there is news report of some junior company drilling somewhere. Feel free to do your own research and prove me wrong on this.
The top two guys S&C don't run around nilly dilly drilling and wasting company money on gambling that they might get lucky and hit something without doing proper ground work. They like to do proper ground work before they start drilling . Theyhave to identify targets and before they can do that the ground workhas to be completed. The ground work requires different disciplines(line cutting, air borne work etc). They have to deal with weather anda shortage of people and or equipment in these fields. Once this iscompleted they go over the data and come up with targets. This all takes time and is unpredictable when they will come up with a target. On the plus side I was told that since they have the cash in the bank it will free up Clint to hit the field more since they don't have to do that many road shows. This year is looking extremely bullish but then again they have to hit the goods. Gold is looking extremely strong with the recent stock market crash.
To sum things up. Exploration is booming in NWO. There is a shortage of experience people & equipment. They don't drill without proper ground work so there will be delays. Like I keep posting this. If you believe that they can find the goods then relax and enjoy the ride. If you don't then bail out and stop complaining or else post factual information to support your complaint. Stop ragging on management. Rag on those crooks who set up the scam to package bad debt with good debt. That's who the complaining should be direct at.