RE: What's up with todays trading?There was more than just two brokerages. HSBC had 4 trades in the morning and I'm guessing it was one person since the trades were close to each other and two very large blocks went through plus the two other small ones for a even total of 100k. From that point on it looked like small trades through various houses. I have no idea who is buying through the brokerages so It's just a guess. If you wanted to day trade small amount 5K and the commission is only 9.95 then lets say you picked it up at 72 cents on Friday. If you decided to sell lets say on Monday it hits 82 cents then you made an easy 500 minus 20 bucks for commission. Obviously it more than one day but I call them day traders. If you get a few people doing this then the stock is going to whip saw around.
From my point of view the story hasn't change that much from over a buck to 65 cents to a buck then to 60 cents then now to the present price. I'm just grasping at straws to try and figure out the action. If we start geting these large changes then my only conclusion is that those day traders are playing but then again I'm just grasping at straws to figure it out.
On the glass half empty side. I do believe there is some 40 and 60 cent warrants that will expire. I think around Feb but I'm not exaclty sure on the month or date. Depending on what these people do like sell into market then there you go. Its an extremely complicated situation to try and figure out the trading action but at the end of the day the long term players should get rewarded but that is JMHO.