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Senegal to build new 124 MW coal-fired power plant
DAKAR, Jan 25, 2008 -- Thomson Financial
Senegal signed an electricity purchase agreement with private investors which will include the construction of a new coal-fired power plant in 2010 for around 180 mln eur, the country's energy ministry said.
The contract was signed yesterday in Dakar by Senegalese state-owned electricity company Senelec and representatives of Nykomb Synergetics, a group of private companies based in Stockholm, the ministry said in a statement received by Agence France-Presse.
Under the terms of the agreement, Nykomb Synergetics will build a 125 megawatt coal-fired power plant in the village of Sendou, 35 km south-east of Dakar. The plant will generate 925 gigawatt-hours (GWh) a year over a period of 25 years, said Energy minister Samuel Amete Sarr.
The new plant will allow Senelec to increase its output from 340 MW in 2000 to over 700 MW in 2010, he said.
Earlier this week a 67.5 MW oil-fired power plant was inaugurated to help the West African country overcome acute power shortages.
Lebanon's Matelec Group and Japan's Mitsubishi Corp built the Kounoune power station, east of Dakar. afp/hjp/jlw/cmr
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