Finally they worked out a deal!Great deal for the long term players. The share price says the short term players are not that happy. Too bad so sad. Looks like we only had one short term player post today. Those short term people are sure cry babies. Any how just in case somebody missed some very interesting stuff in the press release I'll have to post it.
Benton will continue to move forward with full exploration plans for the Area41 zone located in the western half of the Bermuda project.
In addition to receiving immediate cash and shares of Marathon, the OJVA will allow Benton to have a possible near term cash flow as well as possible access to infrastructure and milling facilities if Marathon continues into a full operational mine.
Those two statements are huge if BTC hits anything at area 41 and MAR actual get a mine going and they allow BTC to use the facility. up 6%. BTC down 8%. Something wrong with that picture. Way under valued IMHO but the market has spoken for now.